Emotional Alphabet

Emotional Alphabet - G For Grateful

   When I was thinking up ideas for the next emotional alphabet, which was the letter G, I could only come up with somber things like grief or guilt. I wanted to move past negative emotions and focus on more positive things, mostly because I haven't been feeling those emotions. What I have felt though, and what I decided to use, is grateful. The past two months or so have been pretty great with the last two weeks being super positive. I've been accomplishing goals in my life that I've set years ago and never finished until now which has got me feeling so uplifted. It's such a great feeling. Everyone in my life has also been supportive of me in one way or another and for that I'm grateful. Yesterday also happened to be my birthday, so I figured what better time to express my gratitude then now. So this is me blowing out my candle and reflecting on the good parts of my life. Stay Positive...

Emotional Alphabet - G For Grateful

Societal Pressures and Forced Suicide

   There's a story behind this shot that I thought I'd share you guys. I originally came up with the idea while I was thinking about the direction I wanted to take the letter F in my Emotional Alphabet series. I wanted to do something with fear and I started to get inspiration from some horror movies with serial killer stalker type people. As I looked at the thoughts I had written down, I noticed that it all sounded a bit clichéd really and I'm not one to settle on any specific idea. So I started branching out to other things. I got to thinking about a game called Persona where the users hold a gun to their heads to activate a demon inside of them (fun game) and led me to thinking about the limited life we live (which is a prevalent theme in my work). I started thinking about the concept of a forced suicide, wherein a person is held against their will to off themselves...

Societal Pressures and Forced Suicide