Creating A Daily Habit With Me And #28ToMake

It takes 2-4 weeks to build a habit depending on what the habit is, how long it’s done, your approach and so on. Roughly though, an average of 3 weeks to create a daily habit is a pretty good bet. Here’s the thing though, most people don’t make it through those couple of weeks. There’s a million reasons why, but the hard part of starting any habit is, well, actually sticking with it for the first few days. After those 2 to 4 weeks, those routines you’ve created become an unconscious part of your day. You will no longer have to consciously think about whether or not you did that thing, you’ll just "do it out of habit".
Day 1 - Draw Your Beverage
So where am I going with this? Well Chase Jarvis and the awesome people over at Creative Live have started up a course (totally free) that you can join called 28 to make. It’s all in the name as to what this is. This whole month of February, there will be a new creative task which should take no longer than 20 minutes to make every single day to help you build a habit of creating. Now you’ll notice that there’s 29 days this year thanks to the leap year and the name states 28. Apparently there’s a surprise on day 29, so it’s not that they didn’t notice this was a leap year ; ).
Day 2 - Draw A Houseplant (I didn't have any, so I drew some flowers and put them in a vase)
Why would you join me and everyone else in #28tomake? Well, other than the joy of creating, there’s contests and stuff you can check out on this page here. For me though, it’s always been hard for me to stick with an new habit. I’ll usually start something and then a couple days later forget about it and only realize like 2 weeks later that i stopped doing it… Yeah I know, don’t judge me, lol. Having a community to tap into where everyone is working separately, but still together towards a single goal, is invaluable for me personally to help me stick with this. I haven’t missed a day yet and seeing everyone else make awesome things has got my creative thinking up. It’s cool to see someone else’s take on something as simple as “draw your beverage” and gets me to think about how I can be more creative with the next task tomorrow. Not only that, but it helps me stay more creative throughout the day without feeling creatively drained so quickly.
Day 3 - Album Cover (Homage of Damon Albarn's Everyday Robots)
This may be the fourth day into the whole thing, but feel free to join and start with todays as if it was your first or catch up on the ones you missed and pretend like today is day one. If you’re reading this in the future (in other words, not February 2016) you can still do this, minus the community part. It’s still a great way to help you set aside some time everyday just to enjoy yourself. Everyone needs a break every once in a while ^_^. You can click on any of the myriad of links that I’ve linked to in this article or go here and here to find out more about this 28 to make challenge. Don’t forget to share with me (and everyone else of course) your daily creations and make sure you use the hashtag #28tomake on instagram, twitter and all the social places so others can find you as well.
Day 4 - Draw What's In Your Bag