
Photoshop A Lovely Starry Night Sky

   Have you ever seen an awesome landscape scene at night, only to notice that the sky is just a boring black abyss? It seems like everytime I shoot landscapes at night that there's never anything of interest happening in the skies. Not only that, but if its an urban landscape, you'll never see any kind of stars whatsoever due to the light pollution from the city lights. One of the coolest things you can see in the night sky is the Milky Way galaxy. Taking a shot with the Milky Way in it requires a lot of planning and knowledge of how to get it right. Sometimes it's not even going to be possible to get a nice view of the galaxy based on the position of the subjects in the scene...

Photoshop A Lovely Starry Night Sky

Camping, Nature and Landscape Photography

   The number one thing I usually hear from people when referring to my work is how much they love my landscape photos. It always catches me off guard (and unintentionally annoys me), because I feel like those are the photos that I put the least amount of effort into. In fact, they account for such a small portion of my actual photography that I barely have more than a handful of shots in that genre. It's not that I don't enjoy landscape or nature photography, it's just that I rarely ever do it. My passion lies more in abstract and conceptual portraiture. With all of that being said, I've recently gone on a camping trip with a buddy of mine with the intention of boosting my portfolio with more current landscape photos. Well, of course it was also to have a good time, but he hooked me in with the thought of getting away to a secluded area and shooting...

Camping, Nature and Landscape Photography

Early Morning Foggy Landscapes

   For some reason I fell asleep really early last night and when I woke up I noticed that it was foggy outside. I waited until around 5:30AM before deciding whether or not I wanted to go out and shoot anything. My body wasn't feeling the greatest, but ultimately passion beats pain in a rock, paper scissors shootout and I'm so glad that I decided to chase the light. There's a local park (that I've shot countless amounts of times) which rests at the bottom of a hill and naturally everytime there's early morning fog, the entire park becomes shrouded in mist. Even though I've photographed this place so many times before, I still find new things to shoot or at least new ways of looking at old subjects. When I got to the park, there was a couple of older people going for their morning jog and some who were walking their dogs. I actually used some of these people as subjects to bring a little bit more interest into the photos other than just some foggy trees (HA)...

Early Morning Foggy Landscapes