
Early Morning Foggy Landscapes

   For some reason I fell asleep really early last night and when I woke up I noticed that it was foggy outside. I waited until around 5:30AM before deciding whether or not I wanted to go out and shoot anything. My body wasn't feeling the greatest, but ultimately passion beats pain in a rock, paper scissors shootout and I'm so glad that I decided to chase the light. There's a local park (that I've shot countless amounts of times) which rests at the bottom of a hill and naturally everytime there's early morning fog, the entire park becomes shrouded in mist. Even though I've photographed this place so many times before, I still find new things to shoot or at least new ways of looking at old subjects. When I got to the park, there was a couple of older people going for their morning jog and some who were walking their dogs. I actually used some of these people as subjects to bring a little bit more interest into the photos other than just some foggy trees (HA)...

Early Morning Foggy Landscapes