
Humans of New York Photo Book Review

   Ah yes, Humans of New York. Who hasn't heard of HONY before? In the few short years that it's been around, the blog has gotten millions of viewers and the momentum just seems to be getting bigger. I actually picked up this book in preparation for some very convenient synergy between this and Brandon Stanton's newest book, Little Humans. I was initially excited for that book, but then I found out that it was a "children's book" as in, made for children and not just filled with children. It's also very short as well, so that kind of turned me off from it, although I'd most likely buy it if I had kids of my own. All of that aside, I still had this book to read and decided I to share some of my thoughts about the book...

Humans of New York Photo Book Review

Anker Battery Macbook Pro A1175 Review

   I was in desperate need for a replacement battery, as the battery for my MacBook Pro was over 5 years old. Not only was it really old and couldn't hold a charge for longer than 5 seconds (seriously), it was exploding out of the bottom of my mac. So while my mac slid around on my desk on a slight angle everytime I touched it, I decided to buy a new battery. I ended up going with the Anker as it was the only one I saw that was brushed aluminum like the (discontinued) factory mac battery. Not only that, but it got amazing reviews on Amazon by people praising it despite the $70 price tag. Upon opening the package once delivered, I immediately noticed the nice packaging it came in. There were two thick styrofoam pieces to cushion it and the whole thing came in a "frustration free" style cardboard box. Inside was an instruction manual which recommended, like most batteries, to drain the battery and then fully charge it...

Anker Battery Macbook Pro A1175 Review